
A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS – Preventing and Reporting Hazards to Keep You Safe

Problem: A large company wanted reduce the number slip and fall accidents as millions of dollars were spent each year on workmen’s compensation claims.

Solution:  Through the use of gamification, animation , and interactivity, I created an online course with two characters, Clumsy Carl and Falling Fiona who experience slip and falls accidents and then are presented with solutions to present these accidents.

Result: Reports showed a large percentage drop in the number of slip and fall workmen’s compensation. Over 40,000 associates took the course and provided high remarks shown within survey results.


The Problem: A company spends millions of dollars each year on workman’s compensation cases, many from slip and fall accidents. The statistics of slip and fall accidents rank 2nd to automobile accidents in causing personal injury and 35% of work-related accidents are from slip and falls. They needed a way to reduce the number of accidents.

My Solution I turned a historically “dry” subject matter into an entertaining and relatable one through online training using storytelling. The storyline is in first perspective where you are Sherlock Holmes teaching Watson, the fox, on information security policies.

Associate Assistance Program (AAP)

The Problem: A large company spent a significant amount of money on their Associate Assistant Program (AAP) yet not many employees used it. They also switched to a new provider and wanted to train the entire company about the services offered. Through training, they hoped to inform and attract more employees to use the program.

Solution: I created an online course with the look and feel based on The Game of Life. I used gamification throughout the course in order to capture the employee’s interest in pursuing the resources offered in the AAP. The game consisted of spinning a wheel and then moving along a path until they reach an AAP topic. Once a topic was reached, they would answer a question and then receive a correct or incorrect badge based on their answers. A short animation would follow, showcasing that particular AAP topic. Throughout the game, badges were collected and then calculated for an end score.


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